Our Mission:
To glorify God by becoming and helping others become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ (i.e., To work at fulfilling the Great Commandments and the Great Commission, Mt. 22:37-40, 28:19,20).

Our Core Values:
God’s Revelation– We believe there’s overwhelming evidence that the Bible accurately reveals God’s loving message and plan for humans. It is our passion to learn what God has to say, to live it, and to communicate it in meaningful ways!

Gospel Reconciliation– We have all sinned and deserve the Lord’s punishment, but he volunteered to take our punishment for us when He died on the cross. Now he asks that we repent (turn from sin) and trust Him for forgiveness and reconciliation with Him.

Growing Relationships Christianity is all about relationships–a personal relationship with God and close relationships with people. This is clear from Jesus’ statement that the most important thing in the world is to love God and love people (Mt. 22:37-40). To discover what a growing relationship with God looks like, click here

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